Bethel for All is here to make Bethel a more vibrant, accessible, connected and welcoming place for all.
Bethel for All is Vermont’s first village accessibility action plan. It was created in 2023, and it’s full of ideas and action steps to make Bethel more accessible to all. Learn more, see the plan, and find out what’s happening already.
From Plans to Progress
After two years, hundreds of comments and participants, dozens of events, and thousands of ideas, Bethel’s Village Accessibility Plan is done. And the actions are already underway.
Explore the plan and see what’s in store for Bethel. Click on a chapter below.
Get Involved!
Wayfinding Signage Plan
What’s Happening Now?
Bethel secured nearly $1M in grants to fund top plan priorities even before the plan was complete. Here are some top projects already underway.
DONE! Recreation Center Accessibility Improvements.
DONE! Recreation Connector Path and Stairs. A Quick Build for Health grant funded a new path and staircase from Church Street to the Recreation Fields (running beside and behind the Brick Church), offering easy access to trails.
In progress: Wayfinding Signage and Community Brand. The VOREC grant is funding design of a townwide wayfinding signage system, with a unified community brand for Bethel.
In progress: Trails, Maps, and Accessible Outdoor Recreation. A $330,000+ Vermont Outdoor Recreation Economic Collaborative (VOREC) grant is funding a number of projects to make outdoor recreation more accessible. Watch for new trails, a universal-access walking path around the sports fields, maps and kiosks at recreation areas, a placemaking trailer, and more!
Design phase: Pleasant Street Sidewalk Improvements. A four-year Vermont Bike & Pedestrian Grant will fund rebuilding of the sidewalk from Church Street north.
Bethel for All Village Accessibility Plan
About this Project.
What’s Bethel for All all about? Why are we doing this and how will it help Bethel? What is a Vermont Better Connections project?
Explore Results & Action.
See the draft reports and findings. Learn about the ideas and solutions in the works. Get action ideas and our accessibility toolkit.
Join an Event.
Come to an event or find an activity. Learn more about the Steering Committee and project leaders. Get ready to start making things happen.
Share Your Ideas.
What would make Bethel Village more accessible and vibrant? What areas need work and what do you love? Put your ideas on the map.
Accessible sidewalks, trails and buildings. Safe streets. Strong economy. Beautiful downtown. Biking, walking & transportation options. Welcoming public spaces. Clean water and river access. Connected village.
BETHEL FOR ALL is a village accessibility action planning process. We’re making the village a better place to live, work, connect, shop, visit, play, create, learn & explore. Join us?
Want to change the future?
Share your ideas and tell us what projects we should prioritize in Bethel.
Your voice matters. Your ideas and comments can help us immediately identify projects and actions to make Bethel’s village a more accessible, vibrant, connected, and welcoming place. We’ve gathered more than 900 comments and ideas from communities members, held dozens of events and conversations, and met with groups all over Bethel. Now we’re processing the ideas and developing priority projects and solutions. Our first public input phase is closed; watch for a chance to way in on draft ideas and solutions. Follow our upcoming events page or click above to sign up for news.
About Bethel for All
Bethel for All is a Vermont Better Connections project, a partnership of the Vermont Agency of Transportation, Agency of Commerce & Community Development, Agency of Natural Resources, and the Department of Health. It is funded primarily by the Better Connections program, with matching funding from the Town of Bethel.
Local Partners & Leaders
The Town of Bethel is our project sponsor, with many town groups and organizations serving as partners, steering committee members and champions. We’re grateful to them for participation and leadership!
Bethel Recreation Committee
Bethel Revitalization Initiative
Bethel Selectboard
Bethel Strong
Town of Bethel Staff
White River Valley School
Bethel Area Food Shelf
Bethel Conservation Commission
Bethel Energy Committee
Bethel Equity & Inclusion Committee
Bethel Area Food Shelf
Bethel Planning Commission
Consulting Team and Technical Services
Lead consultants: DuBois & King
Accessibility consultants: Direct Access
Economic development consultants: Arnett Muldrow
Pro bono community engagement support: Community Workshop
Pro bono project logo and branding: Farmrun
Thanks also….
We’re grateful to local and regional non-profit partners and local businesses for helping to advise, spread the word, provide services, and team up on developing regional solutions. And we’re especially grateful to local businesses for contributing time, skills, space and resources.
Special Needs Support Center of the Upper Valley
Tri-Valley Transit
Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission
Vermont Center for Independent Living
White River Partnership
White River Valley Ramblers
AARP Vermont
The Arnold Block
Cockadoodle Pizza
Cornerstone Creative Community (3CVT)
HailBrook’s Broken Stove Bakery
Ridgeline Outdoor Collective