Better Parks &
the Bethel Placemaking Trailer

We’re bringing the “Better Block” model back to Bethel — this time to parks! In September and October of 2023, we’ll host smaller activations at the Bandshell (Forward Fest), Rec Center (5K Race) and Athletic Fields (Community Night).

But this time, the demo and party won’t just be for a day.

Bethel is getting a mobile “placemaking trailer” full of portable seating, lawn games, lighting, signage, umbrellas and tents, tables and more. After the demos, the trailer and equipment will be available for community groups to use to activate their own events and spaces. Scroll down to see what’s inside, what’s on our wish list, and how you can check it out.

Thanks to a VOREC grant, ongoing partnership with Team Better Block and AARP Vermont, and support from Town of Bethel, White River Valley School, and more partners!

What’s in the Trailer? Check out the current contents.

Line drawings of a trailer at different angles and contents including chairs, tables, umbrellas, games, movie screen, snd more

Trailer concept and image by Andrew Howard of Team Better Block

What’s a “Better Park?”
Why do we need a Placemaking Trailer?

In 2016, Bethel hosted Vermont’s first Better Block project and transformed Main Street into a vibrant, walkable, happening place — all in a weekend.

The Bethel Revitalization Initiative teamed up with AARP Vermont and Team Better Block to make the demo happen. It helped people imagine what could be possible on Main Street and spark ideas. It allowed us to collect data about how street life and small interventions could slow traffic, boost the local economy, and bring people downtown. And it drove substantial reinvestment including building sales, new businesses, and revitalization grants.

The Bethel for All plan identified parks and public spaces and accessibility as major community priorities, while community groups like the Recreation Committee and Conservation Commission have been hard at work on plans and improvements. We’re bringing the Better Block concept to parks — with a twist.

With funding from VOREC and support once again from AARP Vermont and Team Better Block, we’re bringing smaller demos to three parks and public spaces. And we’re doing it with a mobile placemaking trailer that Bethel gets to keep. We’ll own all the portable equipment, which will allow many groups and committees to check it out and use it to instantly activate spaces and events.