Flood Recovery & Resilience
Contacts & Key Info Sources
Medical or safety emergencies: Call 911
State highway road info: Call 511 or newengland511.org
General info and referrals to community and social service resources: Call 211 or vermont211.org
Town of Bethel office: 234-9340, townofbethelvt.com
Bethel Emergency Shelter: Town Hall (Sunday night) and White River Valley Middle School (Monday night); call Town Office or 211 for updated info
Bethel Area Food Shelf: bethelvtfoodshelf.org, White Church (Church Street), bethelvtfoodshelf.org
Bethel Community Forum on Facebook (community announcements, posts, discussion)
Front Porch Forum (email list and discussion forum)
White River Valley Herald (weekly print and digital newspaper for the White River Valley)
Flood Safety Tips
Flood Preparation Resources
Never drive through flood water. If you approach water on the road, turn around — don’t drown!
Do not drive past or move roadblocks or signs. It can endanger you, and our first responders.
If you are in a safe location, stay put. Don’t try to evacuate on flooded roads. Stay off the roads completely if you don’t need to be out.
If water is rising or moving toward your house, get out if you can. Get to higher ground or a safe area. Call 911 for help if you can’t safely get out.
Don’t swim or boat in floodwaters or in rivers immediately after flooding. There may be high levels of bacteria or chemicals, live electrical wires, hazardous materials, or large pieces of debris.
If you live near a river or floodplain, tie down or secure propane tanks, grills, lawn furniture or anything that might wash away.
Prepare ahead by having batteries and several days worth of water and food. Floods can lead to power outages.
Flood Safety Tips from the American Red Cross
Press release & info from Vermont Emergency Management